
Wish List


toy kingdom competition rules:

1. Competition Terms & Conditions

1.a. Competitions are open only to residents of the Republic of South Africa only and all entries must be made in the English language.

1.b. Anyone working for Toy Kingdom, or any family members or associates are prohibited from entering any of the competitions hosted by Toy Kingdom, and further any associated Company and/or any professional and/or commercial entities are similarly prohibited from entering.

1.c. The closing date for any competition is as stated on the entry form or related material disclosing same.

1.d. No late entries will be allowed or accepted as being eligible for any competition.

1.e. Winners under the age of 18 (Eighteen) years old will require permission from a parent and/or guardian to collect their prize.

1.f. Winners may be required to submit proof of age and/or Identity document or prove ownership of authorised use of the mobile device or other capable related device that was used to enter the competition in question.

1.g. The prizes are non-transferable in whole or in part, must be taken as stated, and are not capable of being exchanged or returned for cash or equivalent and may not be sold to any third party. No cash alternative is available to any prize unless expressly stated by an authorised Toy Kingdom representative in writing.

1.h. Our prize winners must confirm acceptance of the prize as stated within 1 (one) week of the winner(s) being announced. Should the winner(s) fail to do so, the prize winner(s) will no longer be eligible for a prize, and hence forfeited, and that prize will be re-drawn/next highest score at the discretion of Toy Kingdom.

1.i. We accept no responsibility for any incorrect and/or incomplete registration details that our customers may supply as part of their registration and responsibility will not be accepted for undelivered, lost, or delayed text messages or postal entries, nor for any network errors for which there may be delays during peak time.

1.j. Please note that proof of sending your entry is not deemed to be proof of receipt by us. Technical or ineligible errors will void entries.

1.k. If any prize offered is unavailable, we reserve the right to select alternate prizes of equivalent value, modify, supplement, withdraw all or part of this competition without further notice and there are no refunds for cancelled competitions. Entrants acknowledge that in consideration of the prize(s) offered to winners by us, the winning entries may be released, displayed to the public by us or any company connected with the promotion.

1.l. Toy Kingdom reserves the right to use the winner(s) name, picture and likeness on websites, social media and/or any other relevant platform as well as for future campaigns or promotional events.

1.m. By participating and / or entering these competitions the Entrants expressly declare that they understand and accept all Terms & Conditions on this website and are duly authorised to participate in the relevant competition.

1.n. The editors’ and/or Judges’ decision will be final. Multiple winners may be subject to a tie-break procedure to decide an outright winner.

1.o. Any deviation from the rules and/or attempt to manipulate the outcome of the prize will result in automatic disqualification.

1.p. Unless otherwise stipulated, Toy Kingdom uses a comment selection tool for social media that selects the winner randomly and selects the winner from unique commenters.

1.q. Toy Kingdom reserves its right to amend, modify, alter, suspend and/or terminate any competition without notice, or the incurrence of any liability against itself by any participant, winners or third parties arising from such amendment, modification, alteration, suspension and/or termination of the competition.

1.r. The above competition Terms & Conditions are not exhaustive and must be read with the specific Terms & Conditions of each competition unless expressly stated otherwise.

2. Indemnity

2.a Toy Kingdom will not be held liable for any harm and/or loss sustained by the winner for any use of the prize by itself, or unauthorised use by any other third-party.

2.b. Toy Kingdom will never be obligated to replace any prize to the winner.

2.c. The winner does hereby set out the following in respect of their personal capacity, and/or in respect of their child/ward.
* To the fullest extent permitted by law, the winner irrevocably agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Toy Kingdom including its staff, employees, directors, suppliers, franchisor, agents, successors in title and officers from, and against, any and all claims and losses arising out of, or where such claim arises in relation to, or as a result of any action or omission conducted by Toy Kingdom in respect of this competition, and anything related to the prize.

* The winner indemnifies Toy Kingdom and holds it harmless from all liabilities for any personal injury or death that may be suffered or sustained and shall not have any claim of any nature against Toy Kingdom or its employees for any loss, damage or injury which may be suffered directly or indirectly (even if such loss, damage or injury is caused through the negligence of the company or its agents or employees) as a result of this competition.

* The winner indemnifies and hold harmless Toy Kingdom from any third-party claim arising out of hazardous/defective and/or related harm arising from this competition and prize.

3. Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (Hereinafter “POPI Act”)

By submitting an entry to any competition, the Entrant hereby consents and warrants that:

3.a. Toy Kingdom may process the winner’s personal information and/or special personal information in respect to any Minor(s) that may be included in whole or part in any materials produced, with Toy Kingdom employees, contractors, or agents for the purposes of this competition, which processing will be in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013.

3.b. Toy Kingdom has the right to use the winner’s names, likeness, and other personal information in conjunction with a competition video on the following, but not limited to, media platforms, to showcase Toy Kingdom’s marketing initiatives:
* Toy Kingdom South Africa Facebook Pages;
* Toy Kingdom South Africa Twitter Accounts;
* Toy Kingdom South Africa Instagram Accounts;
* Toy Kingdom South Africa YouTube Channels;
* Toy Kingdom South Africa websites and blogs;
* Toy Kingdom South Africa TikTok Accounts;
* Toy Kingdom South Africa Pinterest Accounts;
* As well as print and voice media;

3.c. By entering into a competition, the Entrant hereby agrees to the following:
* That the Entrant has been duly informed of the rights accrued in terms of the POPI Act and specified the manner in which it will process the personal information and/or special personal information in terms of the POPI Act.
* In consideration for participation in the competition, and/or as the parent/legal guardian of any Minor(s) included in any photographs and recordings for purposes of the competition, and hereby grants the following rights and permissions to Toy Kingdom, its representatives, and assignees, those for whom the Toy Kingdom is acting, and those acting with its authority and permission, the absolute right and permission to.

– Use the Material in media (consumer print, out-of-door usage, POP, a collateral in-store, marketing and public relations materials, broadcast media, cable, radio, internet, social media platforms), internal use by Toy Kingdom, public relations, point of purchase, go-cards, packaging, all forms of print, collateral, corporate advertising, in-cinema and industrial use as well as for education documentary and informative purposes, for all types of internal or external non-commercial communications such as for instance but not only, the Toy Kingdom website terms and conditions, annual report and press pack under the terms and conditions of this competition, and such usage shall not give rise to remuneration.

– Take, use, re-use, publish, and re-publish the material of the Entrant, family members and/or the Minor(s) in which they may be included in whole or in part, or composite or distorted in character or form, without restriction as to changes or alterations from time to time, in conjunction with the names of the respective parties, or reproductions of such Materials in colour or otherwise, made through any medium at a studio or elsewhere, and in any and all media now or hereafter known, including the internet, for art, advertising, trade, or any other purpose whatsoever. The Entrant consents to the use of any published matter in conjunction with such photographs.

* The Entrant acknowledges that in connection with the production or anticipated production of the Material that they hereby release and indemnify Toy Kingdom, its affiliates and subsidiaries and/or its respective agents, directors, officers, shareholders, employees, representatives and all persons acting on their behalf from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses or other liabilities that may arise from any and all injuries that the Entrant and/or any Minor(s) may sustain as a direct, indirect or consequential result of the use of the Material (hereinafter “Claims”).

* The Entrant hereby irrevocably consents to the unrestricted right to the processing and publication of Materials of the Entrant and/or Minor(s) in which the Entrant may be included, for editorial, trade, advertising, and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; and to alter and composite the same without restriction and without their respective inspection and/or approval. The Entrant hereby release Toy Kingdom and its representatives and assignees from all claim and liability relating to said Materials and the Entrant or any Minor(s) included for purposes specifically consent to the digital compositing or distortion of the portraits or pictures, including without any restriction any changes or alterations as to colour, size, shape, perspective, context, foreground or background. The Entrant waives any right that they or the Minor(s) may have to inspect or approve any finished product or products or the advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in connection with such Material or the use to which it may be applied.

* The Entrant hereby releases and discharges and agrees to hold Toy Kingdom, its representatives or assignees, and all persons acting under his/her permission or authority or those for whom he/she is acting, free from any liability by virtue of any reason in connection with the making and use of such Material, including blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur to be produced in the taking of said picture or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication of them, including without limitation any Claim for libel or violation of any right or publicity or privacy.

* Not with standing the above release and indemnities, the Entrant and/or Minor(s) shall have the right to claim authorship in the work, and to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of the work where such action is or would be prejudicial to the honour or reputation of the Entrant and/or Minor(s) including but not limited to the use of the Material for illegal purposes.

* If any Minor(s) are included in whole or in part in the Materials, the Entrant hereby warrants that they are a legally competent adult and a parent or legally appointed guardian of the Minor(s), and that they have the necessary capacity to contract for the Minor(s) in the above regard. Furthermore, the Entrant warrants that they have read the above authorisation, release and these terms and conditions prior to its execution and that they are familiar with the contents and hereby consent to the release. This release shall further be binding on the Entrant and/or Minor(s) and their respective heirs, representatives, and assignees.

3.d. Whilst every precaution is taken to ensure that personal information (and special personal information) in possession is kept secure, we cannot be held liable in the event that information is breached by an unauthorised third party where we could not have foreseen, and where we have not been reckless or grossly negligent in terms of our compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013. In the event of a breach, Toy Kingdom will take every necessary precaution to notify where applicable, the information regulator and the data subject pertaining to the breach and the measures taken to prevent any further loss of personal information and secure your account and/or information.

3.e. All Entrants may have their details removed from the Toy Kingdom database by submitting written request via email to Take note that if the details are removed, the Entrant will forfeit their right to claim any prize and will no longer be regarded as being a part of the competition.

Please also note:
* Toy Kingdom reserves the right to amend, modify, change, suspend or cancel this competition and any prize/s, or any aspect linked thereof, without notice at any time, for any reason that it deems necessary. All Entrants will waive any rights that they may have in terms of this competition and acknowledge that they will have no recourse against Toy Kingdom, its employees, and agents.

* Participation in this competition constitutes acceptance of these competition rules, and all Entrants will agree to abide by these Terms & conditions. Any derogation these competition rules will not constitute a variation or amendment unless reduced to writing.

* Should there be any terms or conditions that you do not understand, it is your duty to contact Toy Kingdom ( for further clarity regarding the Terms & Conditions.

* Toy Kingdom reserves full rights in respect of providing a prize to the winner with its decision being final and binding.

* Toy Kingdom reserves the right to vary, suspend, postpone, or terminate this competition and any prizes, or any aspect thereof, for any reason whatsoever at any time without notice. In such event, all Entrants agree to waive any rights that they have in respect of this competition and acknowledge that they will have no recourse against Toy Kingdom.

* In the event of a dispute in regard any aspect of the competition and/or these terms, the decision of Toy Kingdom will be final, and binding and no correspondence may be entered into.

* By entering this competition, you agree to be bound by the terms set out above.